Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Brazil's fashion

For those who can't read Brazilian Portuguese, I'm going to briefly explain what those posts were all about. They were about Brazilian fashion and how it reflects Brazil's artistic scene. Like everything that relates to culture, fashion in Brazil is made to be uncomprehensible. It is not even pretty. It is made to be complicated, like the books and the paintings, and of course you are never the one to belong to the cultural ellite if you are not capable to appreciate that. Brazil's cultural ellite sucks. There are few people in power who have the interest to do good things for the country. They like to talk about foreign countries and how developed and refined they are, and forget to say how they fuck their own country, in which they drink and spend their millions and fuck each other freely while what is decent and honest goes down the flush. Do you know that Brazil was the first country in which a 47.000 dollars Victor Hugo bag sold out? It was some years ago, but I will never forget it. We have people with no homes, with no conditions of health and hygiene. Now, do the math. Who is fucking who? I'm not excusing the poor, as many of them keep having children to beg for money on the streets. I'm excusing no one. Brazilians are all agreeing to this fuckery, and sometimes I don't even know if they enjoy it! Our celebrities suck. I'm ashamed to see national magazine covers and discover who are those people that should make us look up to them.
The best I can do, at least for now, is to talk about those who are worth talking. Samuel Cirnansck is the only designer, and I mean, the ONLY, in Brazil that has earned my respect until now. The guy is great, and he knows how to make beautiful stuff. He doesn't fool around, and he does not have to explain his work in order for us to try to find it interesting. Interesting enough, he wasn't in the top 10 shows picked by the shitty Elle Brazil magazine. That only adds to the point. He should not share the podium with that. He will for his turn. And deserve it.

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